The Ultimate Creative Design Software
Texcelle is extremely easy to use and offers tools for freehand drawing, scaling, applying gradients, and placing motifs, along with the most complex repeat structures. Every year additional enhancements are added to Texcelle to fulfill the requests and needs of our customers.
Texcelle is tailored to design, scale, and develop products within the restrictions set by production machinery, but also allows you to recolor finished products or simulations for sales presentations and marketing materials.
Archiving design material has never been easier with the direct link to Product Data Management. You can save and load designs with just a single click. Additional information such as collection and designer names can be added each time you save. This makes future retrieval and sharing much easier and less time-consuming.
NedGraphics Offers Various Texcelle Modules:
- TexFlash is an introductory version of Texcelle that comes with an attractive price tag.
- Texcelle is a robust creative design software, complete with all functionality you need to create designs, colorings, and simulations as well as marketing materials.
- Texcelle for Product Data Management is a special version of Texcelle. Designs can only be loaded and stored from within the Product Data Management database.
- Texcelle Pro offers the most advanced feature set and offers designers the possibility to work with very large files.
Features & Benefits:
- Choose from over 150 design functions.
- Create and edit multiple designs simultaneously.
- Special edge smoothing prevents jagged edges and contours when scaling.
- Large file support.
- Create, modify, and save color palettes according to designers’ preferences.
- Create smooth curves using Bezier and splines with control points.
- Personalize preferred tools using shortcuts.
- Macros offer huge time savings by storing and executing command sequences.
- Export directly design data to MS Excel.
- Fill patterns or weave structures.
- Store pieces of designs in a Clipboard for instant access.
- Easily align selections in a design.
- Skew, curve, and scale selections for interesting effects.
- Supports various color standard systems.
Add On Modules:
- Texture simulation for creating carpet simulations such as Shaggy, Wilton, etc.
- Double workers and effect weaves
- Design Workshop to speed up the creation of geometrical designs
- Conversions for Axminster, Viable, EAT, Griffith, Zimmer, etc.
- Yarn Usage calculation
- Full integration with Product Data Management, the solution for workflow optimization & integration
- Crossplanting to optimize your creel for Axminster or Wilton
- Colortec Tufting machine interface
- Integrated Color management
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